Tuesday 5 September 2017

Stri Shabar Vashikaran Mantra Ke Totke

Stri Shabar Vashikaran Mantra Ke Totke

Vashikaran in literal translation is from Sanskrit means to gain control of. Using these procedures and techniques, you can gain control of the mind of the woman you love and get her to love and respect you too. This will provide you lasting relationship. Unlike most other techniques, Vashikaran is not some form of black magic or voodoo. It is simply a method of reciting a few mantras with a few procedures or rituals that will create the right kind of environment for you to accomplish the goal of winning the heart of the woman you love.
The Vashikaran techniques rely on the sound of the mantras and the procedures remove all the negative energy around you and your woman. Then the technique replaces it with certain kind of positive energy for you to gain control of the mind. This technique is not new. This has been in practice in the Indian mythology for over thousands of years. It is passed on to us by the way of sadhus and gurus. There are even references of this in the Indian scriptures and have been tried and proven to be very effective and successful. You can also be confident of achieving success with your woman.
However remember, these procedures are always prescribed in good intent and should not be done to harm anyone in any way. You should not do this, to gain control and hurt the person, either physically, mentally, emotionally or financially. This should be done in cases of true and honest love only.
Stri Vashikaran mantra
“aallaahh Bichh hhaathheli Key maaauuhhaamaaamaaaaad Bichh Kaapaar uuskaa maaaaan maaaohhini Jaagaat maaaohhe Saansaar maaaohh Kaarey Jo maaaohh maaaaar uusey Bhhaaye Pot Waar Daar Jo Naa Jaaaaney maaauuhhaamaaamaaaaad Ki aaaan uus Paar maaauuhhaamaaamaaaaad maaaeraa Raasuulilaalaahh”
Collect some sand from under the feet of the woman you want to control, hold this sand in your palm and recite the above mantra for 501 times for 21 days. Once you do that, the sand will be empowered by the mantra. Now you have to sprinkle some of this sand on the head of the woman without her noticing it. The rest of the sand you can put it back where you got it from. Once this is done, you will have control of the woman and she will obey your every command without fail.
It is advisable to always consult a guru or sadhu before you initiate this. They will be able to guide you with the right process and procedure. They will also give you the right time to perform this. Most of the times, when people complain that the procedure did not work, they do not take into account the positioning of your horoscope stars and the planetary positions. These planetary positions have a high level of influence on the outcome of your actions. If they are against your luck at the time of your performing these rituals, you may not see any impact. However if you do it at the right time, you will see immediate and high effectiveness. So always consult a sadhu or guru who can provide the right directions.
Also remember that you should not inform or tell anyone of this. Not even the woman you want to control. Even after she is in your control. If you do so, it will break the impact and you will lose everything you gained. This is one secret that should stay with you. By gaining control of the woman you love, you have many benefits. This woman can be your girlfriend, wife or even someone you want to like and get married to. Most of the times, when couple separate or split up, it is due to the disagreements and difference of opinions among them.
By gaining control of the woman’s mind and getting her to obey to everything you say, there will be no arguments or difference of opinions among you. You can then lead a very cordial and friendly relationship. You will have to remember though, this is done only if you love the woman from the bottom of your heart and in the true intentions. This should not be done to harm someone. Once you gain control of the woman you love, and are managing it the way you feel fit, things will improve in multiple ways. Your social circle and friends and family will be amazed at the relationship and how well connected you are. You will automatically do well at work and start making more money. People will respect you and your family significantly and you will gain respect and love of others in the society.
What are you waiting for then? Go ahead and get what you want in life. Take control of your destiny and life. You can make the choices that you feel good about and manage your life, without the world telling you what to do. You can be happy content and joyful in life. The life that you have always dreamed of and yearned for. You are the master of your fate and you are the captain of your boat. You will be able to make decisions that you were afraid to make earlier. So you can change the way your life is, with this powerful technique. Go ahead change the world and make a difference.

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