Tuesday 5 September 2017

Hatha Jodi vashikaran vidhi

Hatha Jodi vashikaran vidhi

If you find an Hatha Jodi then first you clean it and put in a clean bowl and pour some seaseme oil in it use enough quantity so that the whole Hatha Jodi is immersed. Hatha Jodi absorbs oil so you can keep adding oil if it reduces and restore this in the bowl as long as you don’t need it. When the time comes and you want to use it then take it out of the bowl the day you want to use it, mostly Friday is considered auspicious. When you have taken out from the bowl apply sindoor on it and pour the remaining oil in the people tree roots. You can also use mustard oil in place of sesame oil depending on the availability. Then take a small silver box and fill it with sindoor and put Hatha Jodi on it. Close the box and keep it in a safe place.
Early morning take bath and sprinkle some Gangajal or Gou mootr. Facing towards east or south, use white woollen carpet to sit and take a wood and cover it with red cloth and open the silver box by placing it on the wood. Then pray to Goddess Lakshmi if you want to pray for wealth or pray to goddess Kaamakhya if you are praying for happy and peaceful married life. If you are praying for education, then pray to Goddess Saraswati.
Hatha Jodi tantra/puja/benefit/pehchan
There are many benefits of Hatha Jodi. Some of them I will list down below:
1.     It is used for easy and safe delivery
2.     It used to unblock the area for easy urination. A paste is made of Hatha Jodi and is applied on lower abdomen area.
3.     It is used to cure Pilia
4.     Constipation is also cured by Hatha Jodi
5.     If you put sindoor on Hatha Jodi and tie it on your right hand, then you can do vashikaran on anyone.
6.     If a child is frequently falling sick and is crying a lot then in the evening time light dhoop of Hatha Jodi, cardamom and cloves at home.
7.     It is also used to remove the problems related to menstrual cycle.
If you want to obtain Hatha Jodi then take it only during auspicious time its effect will be seen quickly. Always try to keep it clean and put it in a safe and clean place. Never use it for negative purposes and always maintain the secrecy if you are having a Hatha Jodi. Don’t get confuse by its size as it’s a root and its size may vary.
If you have a Hatha Jodi with you then keep in your temple at home, if you want to use it for the growth of your business then put it in your locker, if you are going out for an important work then carry it in your pocket and if you are using it to protect yourself from enemies then wear it as tabeez around your neck.We should always have respect towards these rare things that the mother earth provides us with. So never use it for petty purposes and keep it safe.

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