Tuesday 10 July 2018

Here are the terms and conditions

Here are the terms and conditions

When you are going to take our services or products anyway, please keep in mind that
  1. Using tantra, mantra, yantra, naqsh, taweez or other types of remedies are subjects to have faith in God and we are never responsible for them anyway if you do not get any result by using them.
  2. All the fees or payments, you make to us, are non-refundable.
  3. We have taken steps to make all information received from our online visitors as secure as possible against unauthorized access and use. All information related to this website is protected through proper security measures, which are periodically reviewed.
  4. Disclaimer and Privacy Statement is also a part of our Terms and Conditions. When you are taking our services anyway, you are agree that you have read Disclaimer and Privacy Statement carefully and fully agree with it.

  5. Disclaimer: CLICK HERE.
    Privacy Statement or Privacy Policy: CLICK HERE.
    We provide no free of cost services. Our all services are paid.  Please read our Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy carefully. When you are taking any service from us, it will be understood that you have read and understand our Terms and Conditions with sounded mind and are fully agree with it.
    The people seeking for free guidance or free services anyway, please do NOT contact us to waste their as well as our precious time in useless discussions.

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