Saturday 28 July 2018

Dusman pe black magic kase kare

Dusman pe black magic kase kare

Want to break the Black Magic done by your enemy on you and return it back on the same person. Casting attack back Spells is the best way to do it. Yes with the help of this spell black magic will go back and affect the person who has done it or get it done on you by some tantric. Doing black magic on someone a person doesn’t like is very common practice in our society.
Here is the process of breaking Black Magic or Backfire Spell ritual:
In the Morning before sunrise chant 21 mala for 21 days with red sandalwood rosary. This will activate the spells power to break the black magic.
Now when required, chant this spell 7 times and keep on staring the water. After that just offer this water to drink to the victim of black magic. This ritual will attack or return back the black magic and your enemy will have the same bad affect.

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