Wednesday 22 November 2017

What is the Black Magic

What is the Black Magic

Black Magic is the negative use of the supernatural powers generally used for the purpose to harm, kill or misfortune to others. Normally why would a person think ill of others? However due to increase of jealously, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept others happiness and growth, the use of Black magic has become the common way to harm people.
Symptoms of Black Magic
When you become the victim of Black Magic you can feel serious changes in you both spiritually and physically.
Some of these are :
  • Heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
  • Extreme hunger in case entities have taken charge of your body
  • Constant headache
  • Itching, burning or feeling like your whole body is on fire
  • You see shadows or feel someone is behind you or you hear voices
  • Extensive paranormal activity around you
  • Frequent accidents
  • You see shadows or feel someone is behind you or you hear voices
  • Extensive paranormal activity around you
  • Frequent accidents
Additional symptoms pertaining to WOMEN
  • Hormonal Disturbance
  • Unable to conceive due to psychic blocks so as the woman stays barren all her life
  • nexplained convulsions
  • Extreme Fear & Anxiety
  • Breast Cancer

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