Thursday 30 November 2017

Sautan Problem Specialist Heal External Affair

Sautan Problem Specialist Heal External Affair

Sautan problem specialist heals external affair is a great solution that will help you to get rid with the external affair and with the help of this solution you will heal very soon, that’s why it is a very nice way to sort out your sautan problem. With the help of this solution you will get rid the external affairs that will be really very helpful to get your husband again with you so use this great solution. Here you will get the best way that how to get rid with your external affairs. This process will be really very helpful for you. With the help of specialist help you will get a great solution about that how to eliminate your sautan from your partner’s life. To get rid with the sautan issue you can connect with our specialist they will provide you the best solution and you will get an amazing life with the help of this solution.

Sautan Problem Specialist Remove Extramarital Love

Sautan problem specialist removes extramarital love, is the greatest way that will help you to remove extramarital affairs of your partners. Extramarital affairis a reason that can spoil your family so try to get rid with this situation. It is the best way for those females who are in so much of depression because of their husband’s extramarital affair or the fear of losing your life partner so use this way that will be prove very helpful for you. You will definitely get rid with the problem of extramarital affair of your life partner.

Sautan Problem Specialist Prevent Other Woman Issues

Sautan problem specialist prevents the other woman issue, is a way that is a great way to preventanother woman issue. If you will use this solution once after that you will never get any problem’s in your life due to the reason of another woman. If your husband has another woman in their life, then your life will be hale and you will get avoid by them so this situation will be very destructive and difficult to get this situation. That’s why you should try to keep your husband very happy and satisfied with you and make them unable to think living without you, fulfill their all desires and requirements and give them proper time, because relationship really need some time otherwise you may lose your best relationship in your life. If you want to make them only for you then give them a habit that they can’t even think their life without you.
It is really not possible to let you know everything here so if you want to get more knowledge then you may join with our specialist they will let you know the best solutions.Our services are gratis with charge for everyone so feel free to join with our services. You can use what’s app details and contact number also to join with our services. In some rare type of situation we may want some more time.

Akarshan Yantra Mantra For Grahak

Akarshan Yantra Mantra For Grahak

Akarshan yantra mantra for grahak is the way that will help you to get grahak. It is really a very helpful solution because all businessmen want to get a great solution about that how to get grahak or customers to sell their products or services. If your services are good and useful according to you then you will get increments in your grahak. It is only possible when you are really satisfied with your services. If your product or services are going through with your judgement and get a great domino effect then keep trust you will get a great solution with the help of this akarshan yantra mantra for grahak.

Akarshan Yantra Mantra For Vashikaran

Akarshan yantra mantra for vashikaran, is a great way that is helpful forvashikaran services. With the help of this akarshan mantra for vashikaran you can get the power about how to use akarshan yantra mantra for vashikaran. The Vashikaran is an occult discipline of attraction which drives up enormous powers with the amalgamation of Mantra as well as Yantra. It’s a discipline which is used to control the minds, opinion, position, talking, action as well as the behavior of the person. The Vashikaran mantra is an extremely proficient and brawny for the reason that it has enormous impact of spiritual establishment. This akarshan yantra mantra for vashikaran is very nice and helpful way to get anything in your life so you may go for this solution.
If you want to get more information about this service then you can connect with our specialist. Our services are gratis to charge so feel free to join with us. You can use the contact information to with us. In some rare type of chances we may need to take some extra time also so that time try to keep some patience.

Marriage Problem Solution

Marriage Problem Solution

विवाह में बाधा दूर करने के मंत्र
सोमवार के दिन शिव मंदिर अथवा घर में स्थापित शिव विग्रह अथवा चित्र के समक्ष पाँच नारियल चढ़ाएँ तथा   उक्त मंत्र का 5 माला जाप करें| यह उपाय युवतियों के लिए है| इसके अतिरिक्त किसी शिव मंदिर “ऊं सोमेश्वराय नमः मंत्र उच्चारित करते हुए शिवलिंग को जल अर्पित करें तथा वहीं बैठकर रुद्राक्ष की माला लेकर एक माला इसी मंत्र का जाप करें| यह उपाय युवतियों के लिए है|
विवाह में विलंब/बाधा/रुकावट हटाने के उपाय
  • शीघ्र विवाह हेतु अपनी सहेली अथवा रिश्तेदार द्वारा शादी में पहना गया जोड़ा कुछ देर के लिए पहन लें|
  • गुरुवार के दिन अनार के पौधे की पूजा करें तथा उसका पुष्प शिव जी को अर्पित करें|
  • गुरुवार अथवा शुक्रवार को केले की जड़ पीले कपड़े में बांध लें तथा ताबीज बनाकर धारण करें|
  • युवक/युवती स्नान के जल में चुटकी भर हल्दी अथवा केसर मिलाकर स्नान करें| ऐसा करने से विवाह में आ रही बाधाएँ दूर होती हैं|
  • 12 सौ ग्राम चने की दाल और सवा लीटर कच्चा दूध सोमवार के दिन दान करें|
  • विवाह योग्य लड़की किसी अन्य लड़की की मेंहदी के अवसर पर जाए तो दुल्हन के हाथों से अपने हाथों पर थोड़ी सी मेंहदी लगवा ले|
  • पूर्णिमा के दिन वट वृक्ष की 108 परिक्रमा करें|
  • विवाह में रुकावट आ रही हो तो शुक्रवार की रात आठ छुहारे उबाल लें तथा पानी सहित सिरहाने रखकर शयन करें| अगली सुबह उसे बहते हुए जल में बहा दें| इससे विवाह संबंधी बाधाएँ दूर होती हैं|
  • कन्या विवाह की कामना करते हुए गणेश जी को मालपूए का भोग लगाए तथा लड़के की शादी नही हो पा रही हो तो वह पीले रंग का मिष्ठान्न गणेश जी को अर्पित करे|
  • मांगलिक दोष के कारण विवाह में अड़चन आ रही हो तो मंगलवार के दिन चंडिका स्तोत्र का पाठ तथा शनिवार को सुंदर कांड का पाठ करें| इसके अलावा चांदी का वर्गाकार टुकड़ा सदैव अपने पास रखें|
  • सूर्य के कारण विवाह में विलंब हो रहा हो तो रिश्ते की बात चलाने के लिए अथवा प्रस्ताव पर चर्चा करने के लिए जाते समय गुड़ खाकर पानी पी लें| लड़का/लड़की की माँ को गुड़ खाना छोड़ दें| इसके अलावा नित्य उगते हुए सूर्य को अर्घ्य दें व ‘ॐ सूर्याय नमः’ मंत्र का जाप करें| सूर्य दोष होने पर तांबे का वर्गाकार टुकड़ा भूमि में दबा दें|
  • यदि शनि के कारण विवाह में विलंब हो रहा हो, तो शनिवार के दिन शिवजी को कला तिल अर्पित करें|
  • विवाह में विलंब का कारण राहू हो तो शनिवार के दिन बहते हुए जल में एक नारियल प्रवाहित कर दें|
  • आठ की संख्या में मीठी रोटियाँ बनाए जो सिर्फ एक ओर से सिंकी हो हों, तथा उसे भूरे रंग के श्वान को खिला दें|
  • रिश्ते की बात चलने पर जब भी लड़का-लड़की को मिलवाया जाए उन्हें दक्षिण दिशा में बिठाएँ|
  • विवाह उम्र के लड़का/लड़की के बिस्तर के नीचे गंदगी अथवा कबाड़ न रखें|
  • गुरुवार के दिन गाय को दो रोटी के ऊपर गुड़ रख कर खिलाएँ|
  • शुक्रवार के दिन सफ़ेद तथा गुरुवारा के दिन पीला वस्त्र धारण करें|
  • विवाह योग्य लड़की सफ़ेद खरगोश पालकर उसे आपने हाथों से खिलाए|
  • शुक्ल पक्ष की चतुर्थी तिथि से लेकर 45 दिनों तक यह उपाय करें| इस दिन खीर बनाकर उसमे तुलसी का पत्ता डालें व उदित चन्द्र को अर्पित करें| 45 दिन के पश्चात किसी एक कन्या को भोजन करवाएँ, नूतन वस्त्र व मेंहदी दान करें|
जैसे अलग-अलग बीमारी के लिए अलग-अलग इलाज होता है उसी प्रकार अलग-अलग ग्रह दोषों के लिए उपाय भी अलग-अलग होता है| इसलिए उपर्युक्त किसी उपाय को करने से कुंडली की जांच करवा लें ताकि शीघ्र मनोवांछित फल प्राप्त किया जा सके|

Dushman ko marne ka aasan tarika

Dushman ko marne ka aasan tarika 

दुश्मन को मारने का आसान तरीका मंत्र इंसान लगातार प्रार्थना की पेशकश उन्हें प्रतिद्वंद्वी जहाज और दुश्मन और विशेष रूप से एक साधारण व्यक्ति की किसी भी तरह है जो राज्य में कभी नहीं है हमले की किसी भी तरह से निपटने के लिए, लेकिन दुर्घटनाओं कभी नहीं से दूर रखने के लिए अपने जीवन में और अगर एक प्रवेश करने से पहले दरवाजे दस्तक देता है आप स्थायी रूप से अपने जीवन तो आप दुश्मन को मारने का टोटका कार्यान्वयन कि सुचारू रूप से अपने जीवन को सुनिश्चित करेगा कर सकते हैं में नकारात्मकता का किसी भी तरह से अपने आप को बचाने के लिए चाहते हैं। किसी को भी मारने का तरीका कि हम दुश्मन को मारने का आसान तरीका के हिस्से के रूप में चयन कर रहे हैं अपने जीवन में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का एक संतुलन बना रही है और किसी भी गड़बड़ी पैदा करने की कोशिश कर रहे लोगों से आप पर कोई नुकसान नहीं कभी नहीं रेवेर्सलय पीड़ित है।

dushman ko barbaad karne ke upay – दुश्मन को बर्बाद करने के उपाय आप अपने दुश्मनों को बर्बाद और ऐसा करने के लिए किसी भी कड़ी मेहनत के बिना उन्हें एक बहुत पीड़ित बनाने के लिए एक आसान तरीका लगता है। दुश्मन एसई हिंदी में छुटकारा फलक के उपाय और हमारे अंत से दिया उपाय इसके लिए वांछित परिणाम ला सकता है। इन लानत कावासाकी किसी को हताश और जीवन दर्द से भरा बना सकते हैं। अगर किसी को अपनी खुशी के रास्ते में नहीं है, लेकिन आप एक स्टैंड सीधे इसके लिए नहीं ले जा सकते हैं। इस तरह के मामले में, आप दुश्मन को बर्बाद करने के उपाय कि हमारे अंत से दिया जाता है के साथ जा सकते हैं। वैसे ही जैसे किसी को अपने प्यार और रिश्ते पर समस्याओं थोप रहा है या अपने व्यवसाय में हो सकता है, आप उन सभी समस्याओं का स्थायी समाधान, तो आप अपने जीवन प्रतिद्वंद्वियों को हमेशा के लिए बनाने के लिए हमारे साथ संपर्क कर सकते हैं चाहता हूँ। हमारे परोपकार के लिए अपने जीवन को हमेशा के लिए सभी समस्याओं से मुक्त कर सकते हैं, तो आप अपने परिसर के अनुसार जीवन व्यतीत कर सकते हैं। केवल एक चीज अपने अंत के बाद से किया जा सकता है कि समस्याओं का सामना करने के लिए एक बार पूछ रहा है।

Pati ka dil jeetne ka tarika

Pati ka dil jeetne ka tarika

पति का दिल जीतने का तरीका पति और पत्नी के रिश्ते प्यारा और जो हर किसी के जीवन की एक विशेष स्थिति के लिए आयोजित के रूप में अत्यंत है। पति और पत्नी के रिश्ते में हैं, वे किसी भी क्षण या कारण पर लग रहा है और एक दूसरे के साथ भावना साझा कर रहे हैं। लेकिन कभी कभी पति पत्नी समस्या है जो उन दोनों के बीच संबंध दर्ज करें। संबंध दिल बहलाना पदों पर खड़ा कर रहे हैं। शादी से पहले किसी भी रिश्ते का गोलमाल तो वहाँ प्रतिबद्धता है कि उन्हें एक गहरा करने के लिए नेतृत्व कर सकते हैं और औपचारिकता जो रिश्ता है कि प्रेम और गहरी प्रतिबद्धता नुकसान की कुछ समझ की जरूरत पर जोर देता है कि के साथ शुरू हुआ के अधिक संतोषजनक है। यहां तक कि जब हम अलगाव या तलाक जो आवश्यकता होने के लिए कहा जाता है को पहचानते हैं। साथी की क्या हमारे जीवन हो गया था की एक दृष्टि के चलते दे रहे हैं।

पति का दिल जीतने का तरीका समस्याएं जो विफलता की भावना से जटिल हो सकता है। रिश्ते व्यक्तिगत अलगाव या तलाक की पहचान के बारे में हमारी समझ का हिस्सा बन गए हो सकते हैं होता है इसका मतलब है कि कुछ खुद का एक हिस्सा खो रहे हैं। दंपति अधिनियम है जो अलग ढंग से रिश्ता है कि बच गया है | के रूप में कर रहे करने के लिए ज्ञान था। कभी कभी हमारे आत्मसम्मान को जो दंपति द्वारा है। पति पत्नी का रिश्ता के मामले में, व्यक्ति है कि दुनिया रिश्ता जो उन दोनों के बीच स्थापित किया गया है के समर्थन के बिना है कि का सामना करना पड़ रहा है पीड़ा है। तो फिर वहाँ अकेले होने का डर है। यहां तक कि इन परिस्थितियों के लिए सर्वोत्तम संभव है जो पति पत्नी समस्या समाधान ज्योतिषी को रेखांकित कर रहे हैं के तहत।

पति का दिल जीतने का तरीका समस्या यह है कि एक शादीशुदा जिंदगी से आ रही है, जो हर शादीशुदा जोड़े के लिए आम है, लेकिन लोगों को जितनी जल्दी हो सके उन्हें ठीक है क्योंकि समस्याओं जो हमें और अधिक तनाव, जो देने के लिए और अधिक से अधिक समस्याएं पैदा कर रहा है, लेकिन कभी कभी लोग हैं, जो असमर्थ हैं पति पत्नी समस्याओं जिसमें कोई ज्योतिष जो समस्याओं के इस प्रकार हल कर सकते हैं, जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि प्यार वास्तव में है और पवित्र शब्द है जो वास्तव में है जीवन का अर्थ स्पष्ट है वहाँ हल करने के लिए। यह सिर्फ महसूस करने के लिए किया जाता है और वहाँ जो पति पत्नी समाधान ज्योतिषी जो पति पत्नी समस्या के क्षेत्र में विशेषज्ञ है द्वारा निर्धारित किया जाता है तकनीक के विभिन्न प्रकार के होते हैं।

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Best vashikaran yantra

Best vashikaran yantra

The vashikaran yantra is a word comes from Sanskrit plus in English it’s meaning is to have been in power of on further people‘s mind. Vashikaran yantra is the final and ultimate preference of every procedure that help in getting rid out all the problems of peoples life. Almost astrologers of the world are specialized in vashikaran yantra. The vashikaran technique offers various vashikaran yantras and is it really a powerful astrological tool to get the desire person completely under your be in command of. The vashikaran yantra is also used to have control on your partner or companion, to acquire missing love back, girlfriend and boyfriend in addition to get a hold love back with the help of Vashikaran forever. This vashikaran Yantra have proved itself to be a source of light in the darkness.
Its total association is to be in charge of someone’s mind from mutually by expressively and physically. It is the concluding process that makes massive powers in the victim’s life. Moreover, in other words the best description vashikaran is the combination of yantra, mantra, tantra, and totke make victim completely under your control. This time we are discussing on vashikaran yantra. Therefore, here we only talk about vashikaran yantra. This yantra can be used in several ways, such as to make up proficient and personal relationship with our friends, boss, colleagues, and loved ones, to succeed favors from others, obtain what you desire from them, and wield anxiety or power over them.
This yantra is also used for improving one’s personal behavior or love attraction
to make a good and the best feeling of others, and have the feeling of true love and fondness in their mind and soul. Each and every person desires to have his or her desire, love as his or her life partner. Hence, for this vashikaran yantra locket is extremely beneficial. By using this locket every person can change their desire person’s mind, according to his or her wish. This is to be possible with the help of yantra locket powers so that he or she will be under your wishes in all values. After using it, you will feel yourself that this yantra gives more benefits. The locket is used to attract a any girl or boy of your choice.
Most of the people want to use it, but they are very worried about it and think that how to use it. However, here the best specialist gives the answer of that question. The vashikaran specialist says that, it is very easy to use and even you can use it at your home. Nevertheless, you should follow our all instructions. There are many online services available for needy peoples help. Therefore, if you think that you have need of this vashikaran yantra, then can contact with us or our best specialist of vashikaran mantra or yantra. For the reason that, they have more year of experience in this field. Consequently, hurry up and do not waste your time because time is never waits for anyone.

Vashikaran for husband

Vashikaran for husband

If you are one of the married woman, whose husband get out of love, engross in professional/social work, doesn’t pay attention to you, don’t have a feeling for you anymore, nevertheless, you don’t need to worries anymore. Yes, Vashikaran for a husband by which your husband will pull towards you, crop-up love again for you and your marriage will be on first place.

Vashikaran for wife

Over a time of marriage, often woman’s get too much engaged with daily chores and engross other responsibility like a household, child responsibility, taking care of family, therefore get out love and can’t make time for husband. If you are such a unluckier husband looking to get wife love over again then you must consult with a Vashikaran to make it possible in short time.

Vashikaran for boyfriend

Are you such a girl whose boyfriend get out of love, nevertheless, you have felt from him then you must take help of the Vashikaran. That will possess your boyfriend by which pull towards you and fall in love with you over again like the first step of a love relation.

Vashikaran for girlfriend

Is your girlfriend doesn’t feel more for you? Wanna to get her love back? Then no need to worries, let’s go in a shelter of Vashikaran astrologer. They’ll help you to get out of such complication; your girlfriend will fall in love with you over again like miracles, so instantly consult with a specialist and get your relationship back on track over again.

Vashikaran specialist baba

Vashikaran specialist baba

Astrology are moving their business in front of the problems. Its effect is traced from the ancient times. People want to move according to its suggestions. It gives a true feeling and solutions against the problems. The present as well as the future predictions are defined according to the points of astrology. This is typically known as the Indian Astrology.
In the Vashikaran yantra is derived from the Sanskrit language & that mean is getting someone under control & influence. Once the person uses the Vashikaran mantra by our Vashikaran specialist baba, after that the wave of mantra works out on that person. On the persons thought, behavior, action & mind our Vashikaran specialist baba does control from the Vashikaran method.
Our Vashikaran specialist baba gives you simplification of your all problems. Most of the people want to control the minds, emotions and feelings of someone either it will be their girlfriend/boyfriend or someone else. Then it is the best alternate to give the extreme knowledge of this astrological world. Vashikaran specialist baba helps us to give the perfect answer of our questions. It attracts a person to move according to our minds People can fulfill their complete desire with our Vashikaran specialist baba. If you have problem related to your career then our expertise will tell you right path for you future to get the success. Take the full benefit of our Indian Astrology; give us an opportunity to serve you our services by our Vashikaran specialist baba.

Get Ex-girlfriend by Vashikaran

Get Ex-girlfriend by Vashikaran

It’s true that love is fragile want more care, love, and affection to survive it for long lasting because relation has to deal with many waxes and wanes, sometimes it becomes too much tricky to survive. However, some of the couples can grow-up together without any restriction or conflict. This difference occurs in a relationship cause of understanding and a genuine feeling of each other.
Well, if you are that unluckier girl, whose boyfriend get out of love cause of conflict or someone else come in between you then you have to get ex-boyfriend by Vashikaran. Yes, Now Vashikaran mantra is only who can resolve all kind of issues in short period of times, no matter how much tricky it is and how long you got apart to each other.

Get Ex-girlfriend by Vashikaran

Today’s people take love relationship like a game. The couple stays together as they didn't face complication, once hassles and obstacles start to occur in a relationship sometimes result of that both got separated.
If you are in such a complicated situation, looking to get your ex-girlfriend back in your life then you have to take help of Vashikaran to make it possible. Vashikaran is the mantra, which can easily possess people mind no matter, who messes in a relationship and why she out of love.

Black magic for love marriage

Black magic for love marriage

Every couple want to get love marriage and settle down with the one For whom it feels, but not all couple get success to accomplish their needs because of parents and society issues, however other one has a good destiny.
If you are going through such a complicated situation then you should take help of the black magic. Black magic will make your help to eliminate all issues from your life, through which you are going, no matter what your parents and society thing about love marriage. Black magic will change mind and opinion of your parents about love marriage by which they will agree from your marriage. So rapidly take help of the black magic spell and enjoy your rest with joy and happiness. To get more details and avail of black magic consult with an expert.

How can Love Marriage Specialist help you

How can Love Marriage Specialist help you

Marriage specialist is the one who has intuitive knowledge of all segment related whatever moment can occur before and after marriage, have more than 30 years of experience of resolving issues of the people’s and instantly get out them hassles.
They got fame globally because of having deeper and great command of the whole segment of cosmos along with had helped of lots of the people’s and all are satisfied with their powerful and suitable services.
So whenever you’ll go in a shelter of them all issues will eliminate all obstacles through which you are not able to get love marriage. If you seem that your parents don't consent from love marriage they expert will possess their mind to get agree without harm to them. So instantly go in the shelter of astrology specialist and enjoy your lovely and wonderful relation as you dreamed about it.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

What is the Black Magic

What is the Black Magic

Black Magic is the negative use of the supernatural powers generally used for the purpose to harm, kill or misfortune to others. Normally why would a person think ill of others? However due to increase of jealously, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept others happiness and growth, the use of Black magic has become the common way to harm people.
Symptoms of Black Magic
When you become the victim of Black Magic you can feel serious changes in you both spiritually and physically.
Some of these are :
  • Heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
  • Extreme hunger in case entities have taken charge of your body
  • Constant headache
  • Itching, burning or feeling like your whole body is on fire
  • You see shadows or feel someone is behind you or you hear voices
  • Extensive paranormal activity around you
  • Frequent accidents
  • You see shadows or feel someone is behind you or you hear voices
  • Extensive paranormal activity around you
  • Frequent accidents
Additional symptoms pertaining to WOMEN
  • Hormonal Disturbance
  • Unable to conceive due to psychic blocks so as the woman stays barren all her life
  • nexplained convulsions
  • Extreme Fear & Anxiety
  • Breast Cancer

Tantra Vidya for Vashikaran Aghori Baba Ji

Tantra Vidya for Vashikaran  Aghori Baba Ji

Our astrologer Baba Ji is famous for providing the service of performing the Tantra Vidya for Vashikaran mantras, so if you are need of Tantra Vidya then you can contact with Baba Ji to resolve your problems using Vashikaran mantra. Baba Ji or any other astrologer who serve people the service of Tantra Vidya demands tremendous sacrifice and a hard work, then only you can learn the Vidya of Vashikaran. Tantra Vidya is a service that performed by a tantric to provide help using magic spells and black magic to needy people, but Vashikaran is the most used and very effective service provided by an astrologer.
This Tanta Vidya should be performed at a pious place where an evil soul cannot interrupt your Vashikaran Vidya.  In the past, this Vashikaran mantras were quietly used by Aghori Baba Ji to achieve more and more supernatural powers and then use those powers to hurt others or for the protection of their family from other dangerous and ruthless peoples and kings. But now in this century this service is very helpful in getting love back from your ex or getting lost love back, financial problems, or marriage solutions, these all services are provided by our astrologer using Tantra Vidya for Vashikaran.

Vashikaran remedies for husband removes

Vashikaran remedies for husband removes

Those couples who have doubts about the marriage relationship about their husband usesVashikaran remedies for husband service. Many times a wife has doubts about her husband whether he has performed some Vashikaran mantra on her to control her then she can take help of this Vashikaran remedies for a husband to remove the black magic effect. If you are also questioning that your husband using some black magic on you that controlling your decisions and thinking power you should contact with our astrologer for the remedies.
In many married families, conflict grows between husband and wife, and the negative power effect shown only on your husband. Husband fights with his wife and Treat badly her without any reason, because it was advised by those who has used Vashikaran mantra on him, this is just because of negative powers of Vashikaran mantra used on him to destroy your healthy marriage.Now you do not worry anymore because Astrologer Baba Ji is having a remedy for a husband that will cure the effect of Vashikaran mantras on your husband. Vashikaran remedies for husband removes the effect of Vashikaran mantra and brings the normal life.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

सौतन से छुटकारा पाने का मंत्र

सौतन से छुटकारा पाने का मंत्र

सोतन पति और पत्नी के बिच लड़ाई और कलह पैदा करने वाली होती है सौतन की वजह से कई वैवाहिक जीवन ख़राब हो जाते है. अगर आप भी इस परेशानी से गुजर रही है और अपने पति को वश में कर के सौतन से छुटकारा चाहते हो तो नीचे दिए हुए मंत्र का जाप करे. तीन इलायची उसको साड़ी पहनने वाली स्त्री अंचल के कोने में, या सलवार-सूट वाली स्त्री दुपट्टे के एक कोर में बांध ले, अगल दिन की सुबह उसी इलायची को पीसकर किसी व्यंजन के साथ पति को खिला दें। ऐसा मात्र तीन शुक्रवार को करने से पति उसकी पत्नी के वश में हो जाता है और सौतन से खुद-व-खुद मुक्ति मिल जाती है।

कामदेव वशीकरण मंत्र

कामदेव वशीकरण मंत्र का उपयोग करके आप किसी को भी अपने वश में कर सकते हो और आपकी इच्छा अनुसार काम करवा सकते हो

मंत्र : ओम कामदेवाय विद्महे, रति प्रियायै धीमहि, तन्नो अनंग प्रचोदयात् ।

विधि : इस मंत्र को रात्रि ११ बजे के बाद रोज ६ माला का जाप करते हुए लगातार ११ दिनों तक करे. उसके बाद जिस किसी के सामने आप देखोगे वो आपके वश में हो जायेगा

Mohini vashikaran mantra for Attraction

Mohini vashikaran mantra for Attraction

मोहिनी वशीकरण मंत्र

मोहिनी वशीकरण मंत्र का उपयोग कर के आप किसी को भी वश में कर सकते है। मोहिनी वशीकरण मंत्र प्रेम विवाह करने के लिए ज्यादा किया जाता है, ऐसा कहा जाता है की इस मंत्र का जाप करने पर भगवान विष्णु और माता लक्ष्मी की कृपा बनती है और वो इच्छा अनुसार फल देते है. अगर आप प्रेम विवाह करना चाहते है और किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या से गुजर रहे है तो आपको इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए।

मंत्र : ओम लक्ष्मी नारायणाय नमः !’

विधि : शुक्ल पक्ष में गुरुवार को भगवान विष्णु और माता लक्ष्मी की मूर्ति या तस्वीर के सामने बैठ कर करे . यह जाप तीन महीने तक प्रत्येक गुरुवार को तीन स्फटिक की माला से किया जाना चाहिए। जाप के बाद मंदिर में फूल-प्रसाद चढ़ाये।

Dusman ko vas me karne ka mantar

Dusman ko vas me karne ka mantar

दुश्मन को वश में करने का मंत्र

अगर आप दुश्मन से तंग आ गए हो या दुश्मन को वश में करना चाहते हो तो नीचे दिए हुए मंत्र और विधि का उपयोग कर सकते हो

मंत्र : ज्ञानी न मपि चेतांसि देवी भगवती हिंसा ग्रहा बलादा कृष्य मोहाय महामाया परयकस्टी 

विधि : शनिवार के दिन सुबह जल्दी स्नान कर करे माँ काली के मन्दिर जाये फिर किसी सुनसान जगह पर जाये। २ निम्बू ले और एक पर अपना नाम और दूसरे पर उस इंसान का नाम लिखे। एक सफेद कागज पर उस इंसान का नाम 21 बार लिखे और निम्बू को उस कागज में लपेट कर रख दे. २१ बार मंत्र का जाप करे फिर उन नीम्बुओं को कागज से निकाले और काटकर उसका रस पी जाए. दूसरे दिन कागज और नीम्बुओं को बहते हुए पानी में बहा दे, फिर अगले दिन से ११ दिनों तक मंत्रो का जाप करे

Photo se vashikaran mantra

Photo se vashikaran mantra

फोटो से वशीकरण करने का मंत्र

अगर आप मन ही मन किसी को चाहते है और उसे अपने दिल की बात नहीं बता सकते है, वो व्यक्ति आपसे दूर रहता है तो आप नीचे दिए हुए मंत्र का उपयोग करे

मंत्र : ओम रं श्रृं नाम वश्य्मानाया हूं

विधि : शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा से आठ दिन पहले शांत जगह पर जाये। आसान बिछाये, जल पात्र, जिस किसी पर वशीकरण करना है उसकी फोटो आपके सामने रखे. एकाग्रता के साथ मंत्र का जाप करे और व्यक्ति का नाम बोले। ऐसा 8 दिन तक रोजाना करे।

प्रेमिका को वश मे करने का मंत्र

प्रेमिका को वश मे करने का मंत्र

अगर आपकी प्रेमिका और पत्नी आपसे दूर चली गयी है या आपसे बात नहीं कर रही है तो आप इन मंत्रो का जाप कर सकते है

मंत्र : ॐ कलीम कुलुम मम (इंसान का नाम) वषयं कुरुम भवन्ति स्वाहा

विधि : सरदेहि के रस, सरसो और तुलसी के चूर्ण को मिक्स कर ले, मिक्स करते समय ऊपर दिए मंत्र का जाप 251 बार करे. फिर इस मिश्रण से उस इंसान की तस्वीर पर तिलक लगाए। फिर उस तस्वीर को अपने माथे से 11 बार स्पर्श करे और इस विधि को कम से कम ११ शुक्रवार तक करे.

नाम से वशीकरण करने का मंत्र

अगर आप किसी को वश में करना चाहते है लेकिन आपको उसके नाम के अलावा आपके पास कुछ नहीं है तो आप नीचे दिए हुए मंत्र का उपयोग कर सकते है

मंत्र : ओम कलीम कृष्णय

विधि सात पान के पत्ते, पानी और सिंदूर ले. हर शुक्रवार को सुबह स्नान कर के बाद इस मंत्र को पान के पत्तो पर १०८ बार पढ़े. उसके बाद जिस किसी को भी आप वश में करना चाहते है उसका नाम पते पर लिखे फिर अपने ऊपर से बाएं से दायें की तरफ़ घुमाएँ और दूर कहीं ले जाकर फेंक दें| यह विधि सात शुक्रवार तक करे.

Do logo ke bich drar paida karne ka vashikaran

Do logo ke bich drar paida karne ka vashikaran

दो इंसानों को लड़वाने का वशीकरण

वशीकरण मंत्र एक ऐसी सर्विस है जिसे आप के जीवन के सभी तरह के मुस्किलो को बहुत ही आसानी से छुटकारा दिलाती है वशीकरण मंत्र से आप किसी को अपने वश में कर सकते है .आप किसी अधूरे प्यार को आप पूरा कर सकते है या अगर आप किसी दो लोगो के बीच दूरियां लाना चाहते है या दो इंसाने को  एक दूसरे से लड़वाना चाहते है तो वशीकरण मंत्र आप को इस में पूरा सहायता करेगा |

Do insaano ke bich dooriyan paida karne ka tarika

Aaj kal ke log ek dusare ki khusi ko bilkul bhi pasand nahi karte hai, jab bhi hamare samaj me do insan ek saath rahate hai ya do insan ek dusre ke behad karib hote hai to samaj ke log unhe dekh kar jalte hai aur unhe ek dusare se alag karna chahati hai vah do insano ko ldawane ke liye upay sochte rahte hai lekin vah esme kameyab nhi ho pate hai lekin ab chinta karne ki koi baat nhi aap hamare vashikaran mantra ka sahayta se aap kisi bhi do insaan ko ladwane me kameyab ho sakte hai aur unhe ek dusare se alag bhi kar sakte hai.

दो इंसानों के बीच दूरियां पैदा करने का तरीका

आज कल के लोग एक दूसरे की खुशी को बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं करते है, जब भी हमारे समाज में दो इंसान एक साथ रहते है या दो इंसान एक दूसरे के बेहद करीब होते है तो समाज के लोग उन्हें देख कर जलते है और उन्हें एक दूसरे से अलग करना चाहती है वह दो इंसान को लड़वाने के लिए उपाय सोचते रहते है लेकिन वह इसमें कामयाब नहीं हो पाते है लेकिन अब चिंता करने की कोई बात नही आप हमारे वशीकरण मंत्र का सहायता से आप किसी भी दो इंसान को लड़वाने में कामयाब हो सकते है और उन्हें एक दूसरे से अलग भी कर सकते है |

Do logo ke bich drar paida karne ka vashikaran

Baba ji ke achuk upay se aap pati-aur patni do bhaiyo aur do sache dosto ke beech darar paida kar sakte hai aur unhe ek dusre se ladwane me safal ho sakte hai ,vashikaran mantra ke dwara aap kisi  bhi do insan ko ladwane me safal ho sakte hai  to der kis bat ki agar app ka premi kisi dusre  se pyaar kar rahe hai aur aap unhe ek dusre se ladwana chaahate hai aur unhe alag karna chahte hai to vashikaran mantra ki service me aaj hi sampark kare.

दो लोगो के बीच दरार पैदा करने का वशीकरण

बाबा जी के अचूक उपाय से आप पति-और पत्नी दो भाइयो और दो सच्चे दोस्तों के बीच दरार पैदा कर सकते है और उन्हें एक दूसरे से लड़वाने में सफल हो सकते है ,वशीकरण मंत्र के द्वारा आप किसी  भी दो इंसान को लड़वाने में सफल हो सकते है  तो देर किस बात की अगर एप्प का प्रेमी किसी दुरेसे  से प्यार कर रहे है और आप उन्हें एक दूसरे से लड़वाना चाहते है और उन्हें अलग करना चाहते है तो वशीकरण मंत्र की सर्विस में आज ही संपर्क करे |

Saali ke upar vashikaran karne ka mantra

Saali ke upar vashikaran karne ka mantra

साली के ऊपर वशीकरण करने का मंत्र – जब किसी की शादी होती है तो उसके जीवन में कई नए रिश्ते जुड़ते है वह अपने ज़िम्मेदारी को पूरी ईमानदारी से निभाने की कोशिश करते है इसमे से जीजा और साली का रिश्ता बहुत प्यारा रिश्ता होता है, साली अपने जिजे की बहुत सम्मान करती है हमारे देश में कहा ऐसा भी कहा जाता है कि साली आधी घरवाली होती है, कई बार हम लोग देखते है कि जीजा अपने साली को अपने वश में करना चाहते है वह साली से मन ही मन में प्यार करने लगते हैऔर उसे अपने वश में करने की कोशिश करते है वह अपने साली को वश में करने के लिए  सभी तरह के उपाय करते है लेकिन | वह अपने साली को अपने वश में करने में असफल होते है जिसे की जिजा काफी निराश हो जाता है |

साली के ऊपर वशीकरण करने का मंत्र

Lekin ab aap logo ko nirash hone ki koi bat nahi agar aap log bhi apne saali ke pyaar me pagal ho gye hai aur apne saali ko apne vash me karna chaahate hai jiske liye sabhi tarah ke upay aap ne kar liye fir bhi saali ke taraf se aap ko nkaratmak jabaab hi mil rah hai to aap hamare baba ji sahayta le sakte hai baba ji ke achuk upay Saali ke upar vashikaran karne ka mantra ke pryog kar ke  aap apne saali ko bahut jald apne baato me manaa sakte hai aur apne vash me kar sakte hai to der kis bat ki agar aap pane saali apne vash me karna chaahate hai to aaj hi sampark kar sakte hai baba ji ki service har samay aap ki seva uplabdh rahte hai.

घरवाली की बहन को अपने वश में करने का तरीका

घरवाली की बहन को अपने वश में करने का तरीका – लेकिन अब आप लोगो को निराश होने की कोई बात नहीं अगर आप लोग भी अपने साली के प्यार में पागल हो गये है और अपने साली को अपने वश में करना चाहते है जिसके लिए सभी तरह के उपाय आप ने कर लिए फिर भी साली के तरफ से आप को नकारात्मक जबाब ही मिल रह है तो आप हमारे बाबा जी सहायता ले सकते है बाबा जी के अचूक उपाय साली के ऊपर वशीकरण करने का मंत्र के प्रयोग कर के  आप अपने साली को बहुत जल्द अपने बातो में मना सकते है और अपने वश में कर सकते है तो देर किस बात की अगर आप पाणे साली अपने वश में करना चाहते है तो आज ही संपर्क कर सकते है बाबा जी की सर्विस हर समय आप की सेवा उपलब्ध रहते है |

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Positive Vashikaran Mantra To Get Your Girlfriend Back

Positive Vashikaran Mantra To Get Your Girlfriend Back

If you are looking for vashikaran mantra in Hindi or Mantra to chat so that you can bring your girlfriend back, then easy vashikaran totke in Hindi are the best and appropriate solution for you.These mantra are so effect to produce results within 7 days. These mantra are also known as Mohini Mantra to get love back.
Contact Guruji to know the procedure how to perform vashikaran to win my ex girlfriend’s love. Solution is there. You can call for free vashikaran consultation. Guru ji will advise you with bests home totke for making new girlfriend or boyfriend.
Love makes the world go around. There are many people who are happily in love and want to spend the rest of their life with their partners. However there are certain other people whose relation have recently undergone through misunderstandings, break-up or have other heart breaking stories. While some boys have been ditched by their girlfriends, others are suffering at the hands of their girlfriends because they are in a one-sided relation. How to bring my gf back by lal kitab mantra.
How Can I Get Back My Ex Girlfriend 
Now, if you have recently broken up with your girlfriend because she said that she does not love you any more, do not be dishearten as you can easily get your girlfriend back with the help of positive vashikaran astrological remedies to get a girlfriend. Girls are often sensitive and needs to be handled with love, care and affection. If you are not the guy who loves them, there might be someone else. However if you are loving, caring and sensitive toward your girl but she still choose to walk out of the relationship, there are high chances that she is being influenced by someone else. Know how to control a person by Jyotish or vedic astrology and how to get my ex girlfriend back by lal kitab. Get free love spells to get back ex girlfriend.
You need not be tensed as there are various solutions to get your girl back and free her from black magic that someone may have cast on her. If she has another affair with boyfriend then know how can i control her from extra affairs. There are powerful vashikaran totke, poojas, love spell and other powerful remedies that will help you get your love back. Most importantly, these mantras are free of cost, simple and easy to use. Any person who has attained sidhi over it can perform the mantra even in the comfort of his home. In astrology, distance does not matter and you can easily get the expected results at your home. However, if you want to know the right pronunciations of the mantra or want any other help, you can come to us. Our guru ji will make it easy for you to perform the mantras and get your girlfriend back in the shortest time possible.
Consult right now to get mantra that ends your search of how to win girlfriend by mantra.
Mantras For Getting Back Ex Girlfriend
Some people asks is there any mantra in astrology by which we can make a girlfriend? Is there is any chanting mantra which could help me to get my ex girlfriend back? The answer is Yes. We have many jyotish upay to impress girlfriend or lal kitab totke to get ex girlfriend back.  We perform a strong Indian rituals to get desired lost love back.
There are some very powerful mantra to get ex-girlfriend back with the help of these mantra you can achieve the apex level of your love and win your ex- girlfriend or boyfriend back within 7 days.
Guru will give you free consultation on phone. So call or whatsapp right now.
Tagged how to get my girlfriend back by lal kitab.

Vashikaran with the help of Other Food Items

Vashikaran with the help of Other Food Items

The process of vashikaran can also be performed over an individual with a number of other food items as well. While performing the process, you need to recite the mantra over a thing that can be easily mixed into the food. Next mix it with the food and give it to the desired person. After eating it, the person will be under your control and will be doing things according to your wishes.
The science of vashikaran has been known since a long time; however, till now it was only performed by experienced sadhus. But you can now perform the vashikaran vidhi at your home and control a person. However while performing the mantra or the pooja, it must be remembered that it only works if done with pure intentions. So make sure you are not doing this to harm anyone.
How To Use Vashikaran Totke at Home

Vashikaran through flower

Vashikaran through flower is one of the most powerful ways of doing the pooja. The smell of the flower makes it easy to control a person’s mind and thoughts and there is no reason that this vashikaran mantra will ever fail. First of all you need to attain sidhi over the mantra. After attaining control over the mantra, you can easily perform it and get your lost love back. This is also an extremely powerful mantra to help you get whatever you want in your life.

Vashikaran With Crow Feather

Performing the mantra over a crow feather is one of the most dangerous and destructive way to use the mantra. If you want to kill a person or want to take revenge, you can perform the mantra on crow’s feather and give it to your enemy and you can control them easily. However you are advised not to use this mantra over pretty issues and resolve them without any external power. However if you think that there is no other way around, then you can use this mantra.

Vashikaran With Hair

If you think that your girlfriend is not in your control or if you are not able to get love from her, you can perform the vashikaran pooja on her hairs and she will understand your love. However do not use this mantra to take revenge as under such condition, the mantra can back fire. While using these mantras for the first time, it is always advised to contact an astrologer for safe and secured use of the mantra. Contact us and we will help you solve your problems through vashikaran.

Online love problem solution

Online love problem solution

When you fall in love with someone then it is one of the happier and exotic moments for you and you never lose that moment and infect person too from your life. Love problem solutions are easy to o find but for that you guys have relay love for each other. Sometimes love problems are occur just cause of our family and society and sometime it happens just cause of couples own mistake. But whatever the reason if you have true love for each other you can easily get rid out of this problem and can easily find out the solution for your love problems.

Vashikaran mantra for love problem solution

Vashikaran mantra for love problem solution is the best way to get the solution of your love problem because vashikaran mantra never hurts or never makes any serious problem in victim’s life. It just grabs the mind of person and you can easily control them according to your choice. Like other magic it is not that much dangerous sop you have not worry to using this mantra on your partner. When your all problems get resolve then with the help of the astrologer you can remove this mantra from victim’s body. But vashikaran mantra has one condition that if you have positive and good intention then you will get result very soon. And result will be in your favour always.

Online love problem solution

If you are the person who having lots of problems in your love life or your lover let down you. But you have no option to go far from your place and you want someone who can help you then you can choose this Online love problem solution. Which bring the astrology service at you home by internet and you can easily get the benefits and solution at online also. And believe me that just by a single call you can easily get the solution form your love life problem. And after using our astrologer service you love life will become just heaven for you where you want to live with your loved one.

How Intercast love marriage vashikaran specialist baba ji works

How Intercast love marriage vashikaran specialist baba ji works

Intercast Love Marriage Problem Solution, Love is eternal. People say and believe that God decides everything, including birth, love, and death. As a matter of fact, the God Himself decides loving relationships. Not to mention, the humans have no control over them that He has made for them. Quite amazingly, men have divided the world into petty fragments.
The classification of castes is a dirty thing that humans have been practicing for quite a few centuries now. Such a practice cannot do any good to anybody. On the contrary, it deprives a person from his or her legal rights. The interference of such social evils often creates hurdles for the lovers. A loving couple from different sections of the society cannot love each other. They cannot marry each other in the end. This is nothing but a social injustice.
Although this may be true, the human society does not allow sentiments. It values healthy practice where intercast marriages are not easily acceptable. This social stand is firm, and it does not change easily. If you love somebody, then you must wish to get him or her as your life partner. Things are not that easy at all, and you need to keep you strong enough to face stern situations. Your stand and decision would matter a lot.
Is there any solution for this Problem?
On many occasions, the loving couples belonging to two different castes sacrifice their lives. They either commit suicide or forget each other for the sake of their families. Additionally, they bear unforgettable pain in their hearts. Good news is waiting for you if you believe in intercast marriage.
It is the system that allows love partners decide to marry irrespective of their castes. The intercast love marriage problem solution is gaining popularity these days. It is helping the lovers to achieve what they look for. Quite understandably, the lovers are gaining confidence on this practice.
Convincing the Parents-The Most Difficult of All the Tasks        
Marriages are often not possible without the permission of the parents. They undertake the responsibility of their kids’ marriage. In most cases, parents show strong opposition against intercast marriages. If you wish to settle things peacefully, convincing your parents for accepting the relationship becomes mandatory.
You can take help of the mantra to convince your parents for inert caste marriage. Like others, you can seek help of intercast love marriage vashikaran specialist baba ji for guaranteed success. The baba ji has the knowledge and expertise to suggest the right mantras that can help you. Finding the most trusted baba ji is not difficult these days. You can reach them through various sources.
How Intercast love marriage vashikaran specialist baba ji works?
The baba ji understands the human relationships well. He is an expert astrologer first. Finding the planetary positions can leave a deep impact on your fortune. The baba ji helps to find intercast love marriage problem solution by astrology. Besides telling mantra to convince your parents for inter cast marriage, he also finds astrological solutions.
Like mantras, the astrological solutions bring faster remedies even for intercast marriages. When it comes to relying on the astrologers, you can rely on them 100%. They have been successful in solving multiple issues of this type. These saintly people are appreciated for their willingness to create relationships rather than seeing people suffer.
Astrology Leave a Strong Impact:
Movement of planets and other heavenly bodies determine your fortune. The well-known astrologers never deny the impact of zodiac signs. However, you do not have anything to do with these movements. It is believed that problems in these planetary movements influence human love life too. The concept of intercast marriage problem solution by astrology is gaining popularity. The lovers are often helped by the astrologers to solve the problems.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Vashikaran Totke For Love Marriage

Vashikaran Totke For Love Marriage

Do you want to get marry a guy of your choice or totke for getting husband of your choice then Guru Ji can help you to convince your parents for love marriage ?  Or sometimes what happen we love someone what he or she may not interested to get marry with us. So Vashikaran totke for love marriage are very effective thereupon.

These are some home upay for convincing parents for love marriage available in Hindi also. These mantra are availbale with Guruji so you can call or whatsapp Guru ji for free consultation.
Now get marry with your lover with the consent of your parents with some very powerful totke for love marriage.
Some people generally have the tendency to visit astrologers to know more about their future. While these people may be stressed and looking forward to different solutions, some people visit the astrologers just for fun. Have you ever ponder what your future holds for you? Want to know how your life partner would look like? Do you wish to known whether you will have love marriage or arranged marriage? Well, there are a lot of things that not everybody can answer, but you can get solutions to most of your problems.

Vashikaran Totke For Love Marriage

Marriage is the most important decision of one’s life. Whether you are opting for love marriage or going in for arrange marriage, there may be instances when you will feel like walking out of the marriage. Fights and happiness are part and parcel of married life. Whether you feel happy in your life partner’s presence or disagree with them completely, it is important to understand each other for a successful married life. Despite the fact that a strong bonding in important between a couple, you can solve out many problems with the help of Vashikaran mantras.
In today’s world, there are various tantras and mantras to deal with different problems. However you need to attain siddhi over these mantras to achieve visible results in the shortest time interval. The vashikaran mantras can answer plenty of your questions and make it easy for you to look for a solution. Get in touch with our guru ji as he will help you know more about the vashikaran mantra. He will also help you to pronounce the mantras accurately so that you get the results at the earliest. Guru ji has years of experience to back his knowledge and work selflessly to help other people achieve happiness. Vashikaran mantras, when used under expert supervision will really help you get the results. So visit us or contact us before it’s too late.
Call Guru ji for love marriage vashikaran mantra.