Thursday 10 August 2017

Face Reading For Love

Face Reading For Love

A male Face:
•    A man who has a two finger distance between the hairline and the temple denotes mutual respect        and satisfaction. Such men are not overly ruled by their wives but stay happy with the                   relationship.
•    A wide and a high bridge of the nose denote the sense of confidence in oneself.
•    A man with a clear and thick eyebrows, though consider relationships important but not more than      friendships.
•    The shape of the lips is an important part of the face reading. Men with lips which are even in          proportion are known to value both, a romantic love and an intimate affection.
•    A man with a wide and chubby chin usually loves to spend time at home, with his mate.
•    The fleshy seat of the couples indicates that the man has a positive outlook towards his         relationship.
Personality analysis by countenance  reading
face reading is a kind of ancient art. It beats every other way of personality analysis. Every human is born with a unique face which represents the unique traits. The shape of the face plays a vital role in face reading. Many people even believe in using face reading for future prediction and it do works.
1. Round: Such kinds of faces are usually chubby and chunky, with a round look. A “moon face” is another name of a round face.Such people are usually dominating but caring and romantic. They are kind and sensitive. Men and women with such a face also love to fancy about intimacy and physical touch. These people are the best in long-term commitments and are faithful. They are intelligent and bear a sharp mind.
2. Oval: it is a face with perfect ratios and is symmetrical. Such faces portray high intelligence and are great explorers.  They are good diplomats. People with such a face have a charming, loving, honest and a balanced personality. They usually lack physical strength. Metal face is another phrase for an oval face.
3. Square:this shape of the face represents practical and level-headed personality. These people carry a high temperament. This face shape relates to a dominating and decisive mind.They demand stability in their lives and will rarely be found in a rush. They avoid risks.
4. Triangle: such kind of face comprises of – a narrow forehead with narrow cheeks & an erupted chin. This face shape comes with a fun-loving personality. Such people are extroverts and social butterflies. They are very open heart people and rarely keep grudges. With an influencing and radiant personality, they can even change people’s mind.
5. Heart shape:It is a face with a dainty chin. People with such a face usually lack interest in any physical work. They do not like to move out of their comfort zone and are reluctant towards outdoor activities. They rather favored voting their time towards obtaining knowledge.
Facial-reading for health status
In ancient times, face reading for recognizing a disease was very much in vogue. Even in today’s scientific era, face reading for health diagnosis prove factual. The internal state of the body affects the skin of the face. For instance, often people with bad digestion face pimples and other skin issues.
Nose:  The inner part of the nose comprises of tiny and sensitive nerves. Therefore, a sudden reddish nose or a swelling indicates some health issues.
Eyes: if you ever see any changes in the look (color) of your eyes, that’s may be a symptom of a liver problem.
Lips: Any variance on the central area of the upper lip represents fertility issues in women. It may also be a sign of some hormonal changes.
Moles: any sudden mole the face is a sign of some internal changes in the health.
Cheeks:the variations in the size or shape of the cheek may also be a symptom of any disease. For instance, teeth or gums problem.
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