Tuesday 6 December 2016

Childless Problem Solution Mantra

Childless Problem Solution Mantra, A family is complete only when there is a kid at home. Without a kid, the concept of a family is void. Have you always wanted to have a baby, and yet after marriage, you are not able to conceive a child. Have years of trying many times, still failed you? If you have already consulted doctors, used modern science, and prayed in many temples and yet there are no results, it is really frustrating for you. If you are suffering from not having a child for many years, you can follow this method to conceive a child.
In our society, as soon a man and husband get married, the family and relatives, expect the newly wed wife to bear a child. However, with today’s lifestyle, and time constraints, this becomes very difficult. Slowly the family and the in-laws start to exert pressure on the wife about the delay in bearing the child. This will affect the mother and the image of the family in a bad way in the society. Not having a child at the right age in your life can also create problems for you in the future. Who will take care of you when you grow old?
You can solve this situation, by following a simple and effective mantra. You can bring peace and harmony back into your life. You and your husband can once again be the talk of the family, gain their respect and life a life full of bliss. This mantra is proven and has been in use for ages. This is not a tantric or any other bad way. This is purely based on the science of sound. This mantra comes to us by generations of people, who communicate this to their children. These mantras are in the Vedic texts of Hindu mythology. There is reference in Ramayana and Mahabharata, where this is used and yielded successful results.
To make the best use of the mantra, you will need to first check your horoscope and make sure that all planetary positions are proper. Most of the times, when people say, that mantras do not work, it is because they do not take proper care to make sure that their horoscope is correct. This creates a conflict of purpose and will not work. It is always better to consult an astrologer, or a specialist or a consultant, before embarking this journey.
You will need to do this full dedication and commitment, with absolute faith in this process. This is done with a pure heart. Once you are confident of that and want to conceive a child, the rest of the path is relatively easy. Follow the instructions below.
How to chant the Santan Gopal mantra
Lord Krishna is the deity of ‘Santan Gopal’ mantra. Worshipping him, in the form of a child, will prove effective for the expectant mother and father. This mantra is also called ‘Bal Gopal’ and is the incarnation of lord Vishnu. The temple in Kerala called the “Bal Krishna” temple in a small town in Kerala called “Guruvaryoor”is dedicated to this. This temple has been around for thousands of years and many families come there every day to pray for begetting a child or naming their new-born child in presence of the almighty Bal Krishna, the central idol of that temple.
  1. Use a Thulasi mala to garland the idol or picture of lord Krishna.
  2. Apply Turmeric on the idol.
  3. Chant the below mantra 1, 25,000 times praying with swet and peet flowers.
“oom Shareeng hareeng Kleeng Glaaung Devaakisut Goovind Vaasudev Jaagaatpaate Dehai Me Taanaayaam Krishan Tvaaaamaahaaam Shaaaraanaam Gaataaha”
“oom Naamoo Bhaaagaavaate Jaagaatpraasutaaye Naamaaha”
“oom Kleeng Goopaalveshaaadhaaaaaraaaay Vaaaasudevaaaay haum Phaaat Swaahaaaaa”
Chant this mantra, every day, keep a vessel filled with water in front of the divine idol. Once you finish chanting the idol, take a few drops of the water and sprinkle on the expectant mother. The rest of the water is consumed too. This tradition is very popular and believed as an effective method in all of south India. The sound and the energy that this mantra generates, dissolves, all obstructions that stand in the way of you begetting a child. It will give you mental peace, harmony, and the right mind set to bless you with progeny. The radiations from the mantra can nourish the womb and the expectant mother. This will protect her from all ill effects of the outside world.
This is a very powerful mantra and will certainly help childless couples. This is beneficial to those who want to have a child and make their family complete. This mantra removes all difficulties associated with giving birth and will make sure, that your new-born child is hale and healthy. A child can make the life of a family purposeful. A child brings in immense joy for the parents and the rest of the family. All attention will be on that baby. All love is showered on the baby. This mantra also ensures that the child and the mother is safe from any evil eyes, and are not prey to any other illnesses.
Keeping the mother and baby safe during the first few months is of critical importance. Keep chanting this mantra and be secure from all feelings of joyously and evil or negative energy. The purpose of life is to make life continuous. That is the basic way, family tradition, and name continue. You can now use this mantra to make sure, you are blessed with a child and can honour the tradition of your family. Following this mantra, will give you mental peace, joy and a blessed life. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start this mantra today. See the results take shape immediately.

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