Wednesday 18 April 2018

Best vashikaran Parmod Guru ji

Best vashikaran Parmod Guru ji

वशीकरण के अचूक टोटके नवीन राहुजा सफेद गुंजा की जड़ को घिस कर माथे पर तिलक लगाने से सभी लोग वशीभूत हो जाते हैं। यदि सूर्य ग्रहण के समय सहदेवी की जड़ और सफेद चंदन को घिस कर व्यक्ति तिलक करे तो देखने वाली स्त्री वशीभूत हो जाएगी। राई और प्रियंगु को ‘ह्रीं’ मंत्र द्वारा अभिमंत्रित करके किसी स्त्री के ऊपर डाल दें तो वह वश में हो जाएगी। शनिवार के दिन सुंदर आकृति वाली एक पुतली बनाकर उसके पेट पर इच्छित स्त्री का नाम लिखकर उसी को दिखाएं जिसका नाम लिखा है। फिर उस पुतली को छाती से लगाकर रखें। इससे स्त्री वशीभूत हो जाएगी। बिजौरे की जड़ और धतूरे के बीज को प्याज के साथ पीसकर जिसे सुंघाया जाए वह वशीभूत हो जाएगा। नागकेसर को खरल में कूट छान कर शुद्ध घी में मिलाकर यह लेप माथे पर लगाने से वशीकरण की शक्ति उत्पन्न हो जाती है। नागकेसर, चमेली के फूल, कूट, तगर, कुंकुंम और देशी घी का मिश्रण बनाकर किसी प्याली में रख दें। लगातार कुछ दिनों तक नियमित रूप से इसका तिलक लगाते रहने से वशीकरण की शक्ति उत्पन्न हो जाती है। शुभ दिन एवं शुभ लग्न में सूर्योदय के पश्चात उत्तर की ओर मुंह करके मूंगे की माला से निम्न मंत्र का जप शुरू करें। 31 दिनों तक 3 माला का जप करने से मंत्र सिद्ध हो जाता है। मंत्र सिद्ध करके वशीकरण तंत्र की किसी भी वस्तु को टोटके के समय इसी मंत्र से 21 बार अभिमंत्रित करके इच्छित व्यक्ति पर प्रयोग करें। अमुक के स्थान पर इच्छित व्यक्ति का नाम बोलें। वह व्यक्ति आपके वश में हो जाएगा। मंत्र इस प्रकार है – ऊँ नमो भास्कराय त्रिलोकात्मने अमुक महीपति मे वश्यं कुरू कुरू स्वाहा। रवि पुष्य योग (रविवार के दिन पुष्य नक्षत्र) में गूलर के फूल एवं कपास की रूई मिलाकर बत्ती बनाएं तथा उस बत्ती को मक्खन से जलाएं। फिर जलती हुई बत्ती की ज्वाला से काजल निकालें। इस काजल को रात में अपनी आंखें में लगाने से समस्त जग वश में हो जाता है। ऐसा काजल किसी को नहीं देना चाहिए। अनार के पंचांग में सफेद घुघची मिला-पीसकर तिलक लगाने से समस्त संसार वश में हो जाता है। कड़वी तूंबी (लौकी) के तेल और कपड़े की बत्ती से काजल तैयार करें। इसे आंखों में लगाकर देखने से वशीकरण हो जाता है। बिल्व पत्रों को छाया में सुखाकर कपिला गाय के दूध में पीस लें। इसका तिलक करके साधक जिसके पास जाता है, वह वशीभूत हो जाता है। कपूर तथा मैनसिल को केले के रस में पीसकर तिलक लगाने से साधक को जो भी देखता है, वह वशीभूत हो जाता है। केसर, सिंदूर और गोरोचन तीनों को आंवले के साथ पीसकर तिलक लगाने से देखने वाले वशीभूत हो जाते हैं। श्मशान में जहां अन्य पेड़ पौधे न हों, वहां लाल गुलाब का पौधा लगा दें। इसका फूल पूर्णमासी की रात को ले आएं। जिसे यह फूल देंगे, वह वशीभूत हो जाएगा। शत्रु के सामने यह फूल लगाकर जाने पर वह अहित नहीं करेगा। अमावस्या की रात्रि को मिट्टी की एक कच्ची हंडिया मंगाकर उसके भीतर सूजी का हलवा रख दें। इसके अलावा उसमें साबुत हल्दी का एक टुकड़ा, 7 लौंग तथा 7 काली मिर्च रखकर हंडिया पर लाल कपड़ा बांध दें। फिर घर से कहीं दूर सुनसान स्थान पर वह हंडिया धरती में गाड़ दें और वापस आकर अपने हाथ-पैर धो लें। ऐसा करने से प्रबल वशीकरण होता है। प्रातःकाल काली हल्दी का तिलक लगाएं। तिलक के मध्य में अपनी कनिष्ठिका उंगली का रक्त लगाने से प्रबल वशीकरण होता है। कौए और उल्लू की विष्ठा को एक साथ मिलाकर गुलाब जल में घोटें तथा उसका तिलक माथे पर लगाएं। अब जिस स्त्री के सम्मुख जाएगा, वह सम्मोहित होकर जान तक न्योछावर करने को उतावली हो जाएगी।

Friday 13 April 2018

Maran Mantra To Kill Enemies

Maran Mantra To Kill Enemies

Maran Mantra To Kill Enemies:: Can be used to remove the obstacles from the path of success. Maran means to kill and this mantra helps in killing the enemies that are hindranec in our clients’ success or life. These are death inflicting mantras through which you can kill anybody at any distance without disclosing your identity. !!!
A mantra, that is used to kill someone or to give troubles equivalent to death is known as Maran Mantra. These mantras are generally used to take revenge. Maran mantras are prohibited in its common uses. These are used as ultimate weapons to destroy or to severely punish the enemy. These mantras are basically used in self-protection against such bad supernatural powers or powerful enemies whom we cannot defeat in general. Someone who is supposed to kill by a heavy bad supernatural power can use it to destroy him/her using Maran mantra. Further, someone who is being harassed badly quite against the humanity using evil ways, may use maran mantra to destroy his enemy to death. It is capital punishment given to the enemy. These mantras are written in Hindi and English as well so that everybody may read and understand them easily. In Vedic astrology, a number of Pujas and Yajnas have been described to defeat enemies in their evil schemes such as Baglamukhi Pujan, Kalabhairav Pujan, Sudarshan mantra, the Dasamahavidya Pujan, Kali pujan, which can instantly conquer your enemies. Enemy died mantra, that is used to kill someone or to give troubles equivalent to death is known as Maran Mantra. These mantras are generally used to take revenge. Maran mantras are prohibited in its common uses. These are used as ultimate weapons to destroy or to severely punish the enemy. These mantras are basically used in self-protection against such bad supernatural powers or powerful enemies whom we cannot defeat in general. Someone who is supposed to kill by a heavy bad supernatural power can use it to destroy him/her using Maran mantra. Further, someone who is being harassed badly quite against the humanity using evil ways, may use maran mantra to destroy his enemy to death. It is capital punishment given to the enemy.

Vashikaran best guru ji

Vashikaran best guru ji

Vashikaran literally means to have someone under your control Hence, the Vashikaran Yantra is worshipped and used to attract the person you desire and bring him or her under your influence.This Yantra is used to enchant (spell) and bring the person you love in your life. It can also be used for attraction and drawing someone in your life. It is a very powerful Yantra. If your Saturn is bad then you can use together with Nav Graha Yantra to maximize the benefit. Vashikaran can also be used to attract prosperity and success in your life. It concentrates the energy of your mind waves to influence the woman or man of your dreams and within a period of 40 to 90 days attracts her or him towards you. The more intense your desire, the faster the results – provided you perform the ritual worship of the Vashikaran Yantra with sincere devotion and single-minded purpose.This yantra is to attract someone you love, get the partner of your choice. A real mystical marvel of the ancient Indian science. If your love is true you will see the result from the first day itself. For attracting someone you love or drawing a soulmate into your life. Also for bringing a beloved person under control for good or beneficial intentions such as promoting harmony and synchronicity as a couple. This Yantra should not be used for negative purposes or ill intentions. This Yantra can be applied in various ways such as gaining cordial professional and personal relationships between superiors, colleagues, friends and others. It can also help obtain favours from others especially in matters relating to one’s profession. At the same time, it helps enhances a good impression of yourself on others to win affection and friendship in their hearts and minds. This Yantra also causes others to be drawn towards you favorably. It should be noted that this Yantra will work only if there is a karmic propensity between the two people. Love can only be encouraged to happen, never forced.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Online love marriage specialist baba ji

Online love marriage specialist baba ji

If you want to meet love marriage specialist baba ji, then you have landed at the right place. Baba Arjun Shastri is well known as love marriage specialist as he has solved thousands of love marriage cases across the world and many people are now live happily with their love partners. Love is found to be a most effective part which can affect a person's whole life. He does not know when he/she is fall in this category of love. A true feeling towards your lover makes them crazy. And as time passes, your relation comes to a point where you are abetted serious about your love life. You want to marry with your partner. But, your parents are not interested in this type of relation. They forced you to forget all your passing dates with your partner which is not possible for you. Ignorance gives a lot of hurt in the life.
Sometime parents are ready to do love marriage, but it is truly said that love create hurdles minimum at least one point. Most of the time kundli match making create many problems of lovers, then their parents tell that your marriage life will not success and this point get worry and they find the alternative of that because they don't want port their love. Then our Online love marriage specialist Baba Ji Parmod Shastri ji solve out our kundli match making problem. The other factor is manglik dosh is also creating problem in your love marriage then our Online love marriage specialist baba ji also give the greatest solution of your manglik dosh issuPeople started to search a definite output, which provides a better result without any problem. But they are failed, because no one solved this problem completely. But, Arjun Shastri Ji who is a Online love marriage specialist baba ji is the only one who can do every impossible mean in a possible way. People are completely distracted from their life's goal. So, our services will help them to regain their mind with their life partner through our Online love marriage specialist baba ji. We are the only one who can solve this very quietly. Our organizations services of Online love marriage specialist baba ji are very fruitful for you.

Husband wife dispute problems without getting Divorce

Husband wife dispute problems without getting Divorce

Do you want to solve husband wife dispute problems without getting Divorce? You are at the right place. Are you facing problems in your husband wife relationship? Does your husband want to get Divorce from you? And do you want to stop him from getting divorced? Do not worry, Meet Astrologer Arjun Shastri to get husband wife divorce problem solutions online or by meeting personally. When you get married, dispute or misunderstanding is the only theme that can create a lot of noise in your married life. In the starting, you have not talked with your spouse that relationship is liable to go into a furrow. After the problem running, these problems disruptive behaviour, money constraints, feeling let down after expectations have not been met. In the end, the problem is not solved at the right time and when they go to a lower latitude. After the break affects not only your life but also destroys the mental feeling of your child. In this situation, we provide astrological solution to stop happening this kind of problem in your relationship.
If you have problems in your married life, then you can take the advice of love guru astrologer Parmod Shastri. Sometimes it is really very difficult for a person to get it. With Love Astrology of husband wife, you can easily save your relationship from being broken. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to wife problem-solving techniques that can help you do just that! So get your love back from your husband or wife by consulting love guru Parmod Shastri who is a well-known astrologer and will help you with your husband wife problem portal.
Many people are able to get the Husband wife Divorce problem solution by Astrologer Parmod Shashtri and their love partner back into their life. Now they are living happily and their marriage is going very smoothly just by our efforts. We created a small package of innumerable solutions. This is the only reason we have a name and reputation in the astrology market. So now you are an imperfect couple in your life and want to become the perfect couple in the world, and then meet relationship Expert Astrologer Arjun Shastri. He is providing husband wife divorce problem solution across the world from many years and has saved thousands of relationships from being broken. You can also take the advantages of our services. We are serving across the world and major Indian states like Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Noida, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Jaipur, Amritsar, Kolkata, Nagpur, Chandigarh, Agra, Ahmedabad, Faridabad, Panchkula, Patna, and Indore.

Monday 9 April 2018

Bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal

Bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal

Mushkilat Ka Hal Ki Dua Wazifa, Every believer of Islam strongly believes on this saying. There is none in the world who is free from difficulties or adversities. If everything would go as you desire, you will probably not remember the creator of this universe and every living being. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, benevolent and merciful.
Allah Paak is the giver as well as the remover of all “mushkilat” or difficulties. Is your life, not sailing smoothly? Are you burdened with worries, anxieties and tensions? You don’t find anyone to help you? Always remember one thing. “Jis kaa Koin Nahin, Khuda Ushka Hota Hai. It means, one who has none to help, Khuda is there for him. If you want to get to  rid of your problems, submit your supplication to Allah paak, through har mushkil ka hal ka wazifa. He who has created you, knows well, your problems and will help you
It is religiously customary for every Muslim to start any work by reciting the verse; “ Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim”. It is the most common verse used at the beginning of every chapter of the holy Quran. Bism is an Arabic syllable which means; with the name or in the name of Allah, I call for help in accomplishing the work that I’ve started.
If you are undergoing any adverse situation of life, go in for bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal by consulting an Islamic Dua specialist. The holy Quran is a message of God to the humanity, in order that they may be warned that there is but only God and Mohammed SWA is his messenger. The holy Quran is the only basic source of Islamic law and teachings. For any adversities in your life, your best option will be the persuasion of quran se tmama mishkilat ka hal.
Instead of getting frustrated at times of adversities, rememberto supplicate Allah paak, through the following dua
“Laa lihahaa Illa, Antaaa Subhanike, Inne Kuntu Minazzaliimeen.  It means that there is no God but HE who may be exalted. There is none worthy to be worshipped; except Allah and that Mohammed SWA is his messenger and slave. You admit before Allah Paak that you were the wrongdoer.
There is nothing in the world, which he cannot remedy. You need to pursue,bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal. If you consult a Wazifa specialist, he prescribes youquran se tmama mishkilat ka hal and bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal. You praise Allah as for His sublime majesty, greatness, mercy, benevolence, grace, power, oneness, bounties and magnificence. He never disappoints those who remember him, and ask for his refuge. You must do har mushkil ka hal ka wazifa, after consulting a wazifa specialist.
The holy Quran says Allah never burdens a soul that cannot bear it. Any adversity or difficult situation that you face is the test of your faith and trust on the Almighty Allah Pak. It is only transitory phase of your life. Consult an Islamic Guru who can show you the way for quran se tmama mishkilat ka hal. Besides pursuing this; you should also learn the bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal.
The Urdu word, Mushkilat means, difficulties or adversities and ‘hal’ means solution.The moment Allah Paak, creates an adverse situation for you, he immediately earmarks a solution for the same. You have to keep patience and submit your supplication to Him through bismillah se mushkilat kaq hal.
Initially, the problem may seem insolvable by you. But have you seen people running away from the problems? Life is to face and not run from it. The Holy Quran is a vast store house of surahs or verses that nullify the effects of specific kind of “mushkil”. The Islamic Guru knows where and what is there in the holy Quran. He also knows the appropriate way of supplication through har mushkil ka hal ka wazifa.It is your patience, perseverance and persistence that extinguish your difficulties.